“I will sing of your love and justice; to you, LORD, I will sing
praise!” Psalm 101:1
The Music and Worship Arts ministries of Salem United Methodist Church are an active and growing ministry at Salem UMC. We believe that music is an integral part of the worship service and not just a creative outlet. Music moves something in our hearts that hearing only words cannot, fine arts have to ability to awaken our senses and make worship even more meaningful. Salem UMC is committed to the Music and Arts ministries and encourages all those to come and make a joyful noise NO MATTER the level of ability!
All choirs and ensembles are open to anyone wishing to dedicate their talents and time as a musical offering to God. No auditions are required, just a commitment to serve.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir performs a variety of music including classical, traditional, hymns and spirituals. It rehearses and sings in worship weekly. The choir performs with orchestra several times a years. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Salem Ringers
Our handbell choir provides special music for prelude or anthem once a month. We are blessed to have a three-octave set of Malmark handbells and a three-octave set of Choir chimes. They rehearse on Sunday afternoons at 4:00, but take some time off during the summer months. This group is open to anyone interested in ringing and is directed by Mr. James David Lindler. The ability to read music is not required to be in the handbell choir. The only prerequisite is a desire to serve the Lord through music.
Summer Choir
Salem’s Chancel Choir takes a short break during the summer months (early June-August). BUT there is still need for music during the services. If you’ve ever wanted to be part of the church’s choir but can’t commit to Wednesday night rehearsals EVERY week “Y’all Come Summer Choir” is perfect for you. We meet at 10am on Sunday mornings to learn an anthem, usually a hymn arrangement, and go over hymns. It’s a great way to get your feel for the chancel choir, and you do not need to read music to join us! The only pre-requisite is that you love making a joyful noise unto the Lord!